Ayoosh Pareek, MD

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Why did you join AAOS?

I joined AAOS to learn from and help others. By meeting others at AAOS, I hope to not only advance the field through research but carry that benefit forwards to my patients and help them in my day to day practice. By being a part of this community, I hope to continually learn from those around me.

Do you currently volunteer with an AAOS committee? If yes, which one(s)?

I am currently a member of the Resident Assembly Executive Committee, Chair of the Resident Assembly Research Committee, and part of the AAOS Annual Meeting Committee.

How do you define success?

Success is being able to improve in a daily manner to both help yourself and those around you. It is difficult to call a day unsuccessful if you’ve improved yourself and have helped others.

Who is your biggest inspiration and why?

My biggest inspirations are my parents, patients, and mentors. These three groups teach me on a day-to-day basis the value of self-sacrifice, the important of service, and have instilled in me the core values which allow me to devote my time to the medical field. I wouldn’t survive without them!

What do you love most about AAOS?

The people! As in life, it is all about the people you meet, and AAOS allows me to connect and collaborate with others who teach me new things every year. This allows me to grow both personally and professionally by taking on projects that I wouldn’t think of individually. This teamwork allows me to then help others achieve their own goals.

What advice would you give to new members of AAOS?

My advice would be to dive headfirst. Apply to as many committees as you can and meet as many people as you can. You never know how one opportunity will lead to the next. Even if you are uncomfortable to do something, ask others for help. That is what AAOS is for. Many people need help and AAOS has hundreds to thousands of members willing to mentor others!

Tell us a fun fact about yourself that not many people know?

I have cubitus varus from a non-operatively treated supracondylar fracture.