A recent survey* of AAOS members in the U.S. revealed an apprehension among orthopaedic surgeons regarding the current landscape of prescription medications for moderate-to-severe acute pain. Notably, the survey responses reflect concern about the risk of side effects and opioid addiction with acute pain medication options. The findings demonstrate a clear desire for more effective and diverse medication options, including non-opioid alternatives, to better manage moderate-to-severe acute pain and reduce its impact on patients’ daily lives.
AAOS Resources on the Safe and Effective Alleviation of Pain and Optimal Opioid Stewardship
To address these ongoing concerns, the AAOS offers various resources related to opioids in orthopaedic surgery, including information for patients and healthcare providers on the risks associated with opioid use in orthopaedic surgery and strategies for safe and effective pain management.
Resources include opioid prescribing guidelines for orthopaedic surgeons, non-opioid alternatives for pain management, and patient education materials on opioid use and addiction. Resources for healthcare providers include tools for assessing and managing patient pain and information on addressing opioid use disorders in patients.
In addition, AAOS offers information on current research and initiatives to reduce the use of opioids in orthopaedic surgery and guidance on how to talk to patients about pain management and opioid use.
For more information about AAOS’ resources, click here.
* The AAOS conducted a separate, single-blinded survey using a subset of 12 questions from a Vertex Pharmaceuticals healthcare provider survey. The sample included 49 U.S. surgeon members of AAOS who treated patients with moderate-to-severe acute pain in the past month. Vertex commissioned the AAOS to conduct the survey Aug. 26, 2024 – Sept. 10, 2024, among AAOS members.
*Vertex commissioned the AAOS to conduct a survey among 49 U.S. orthopaedic surgeon members in practice between two and 35 years, who had treated 20 or more moderate-to-severe acute pain patients in the past month. The online survey was executed between August 26, 2024, and September 10, 2024.