Future Annual Meetings

Plan your experience now and stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of orthopaedic surgery. Don't miss out on the premier event shaping the future of musculoskeletal care.

2025 - San Diego, California
Monday – Friday, March 10 - 14 | San Diego Convention Center
2026 - New Orleans, Louisiana
Monday - Friday, March 2 – March 6 | Morial Convention Center
2027 - Las Vegas, Nevada
Tuesday - Saturday, March 9 – 13 | Venetian Convention & Expo Center

Plan Ahead With Us!

Reserve your San Diego hotel room with the Academy's only official hotel provider, onPeak.


Year-Round Course & Webinar Offerings from AAOS

Experience world-class faculty and the highest quality, unbiased, peer-reviewed programs on the latest orthopaedic topics that meet your learning and practice needs, all year long.