We will be performing site maintenance on AAOS.org on January 21st from 8 - 9 AM CST, which may cause sitewide downtime. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Article Submission Guidelines

  • Pitch your ideas first: Authors interested in publishing an article should email their ideas to Dennis Coyle, AAOS Now Publisher, at aaosnow@aaos.org, before the start of the writing process. To avoid repeat articles or overlap with others already in process, the article suggestion will be vetted with the help of the AAOS Now Editorial Board.
  • The target word count is 800 to 1,100 words. Additional word count is possible but requires pre-approval from the publisher.
  • Visual elements—pictures, infographics, figures, tables, etc.—are highly encouraged.
    • Only one to three visual elements can be published in print, but additional elements can be used in the online version of an article.
    • Authors should submit a caption—one to two sentences—as well as the source for each visual element.
    • Authors are responsible for securing proper ownership or rights before submitting any visual elements. Any image that features a patient must be approved in writing by the patient and submitted to the publisher.
    • Video may also be submitted for the online version of an article. Example
  • Avoid, if possible, text that requires extensive references, footnotes, and/or endnotes. AAOS Now is a nonpeer-reviewed news magazine, not a peer-reviewed scientific journal. (Necessary references will be added to the online version of the article.)
  • Identify author(s) in the byline and also include a one- to two-sentence author bio for each author at the end of the article. Typical bio information includes current involvement in AAOS committees/work groups/task forces, employer/practice, job title, department, etc.
    • Avoid listing contributors—both direct and in-direct—as authors; they can be listed as contributors at the end of the article.
  • Authors will be asked to participate in the AAOS’ disclosure program and sign an assignment of rights form:
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