Press Credentials

The Annual Meeting is a private meeting and the granting of media/press credentials is at the sole discretion of the AAOS. Media badges are available only to media who are working for and representing a recognized news organization, and who can show evidence that their attendance will result in coverage of orthopaedic news in print, broadcast or online media.

Media Registration, Qualifications and Required Documentation

Properly credentialed members of the media receive complimentary media registration, as well as access to embargoed press materials, invitations to news briefings, additional interview opportunities and access to the Press Room. 

To be eligible for press registration, journalists in all categories must be prepared to provide the following before receiving their media badge:

  • Media identification, such as an international, accredited press pass or an official media outlet-issued credential (business card).
  • A bylined sample of work (clearly denoting a byline by the registrant) in English.
  • A user name and password for AAOS to access your news website, if necessary, to verify eligibility.
  • Bylined coverage from previous AAOS meeting attendance.
  • A driver’s license or passport at sign in to receive your media badge.

AAOS strongly encourages those seeking press credentials to review the complete AAOS Media & Communication Policies prior to registration and/or arriving in San Diego. 

Media credentials and sample work should be emailed to no later than March 3, 2025. Press credentials will not be granted until they are received.

Contact AAOS Media Relations 

Deanna Killackey 