
Published 4/18/2018

Become an ACP/AAOS Mentor!

Washington, DC—During National Volunteer Week, join your fellow AAOS members to help a transitioning veteran through a unique volunteer initiative!
Through our partnership with American Corporate Partners (ACP), a national, non-profit organization dedicated to helping military service members transition to the private sector through one-on-one mentoring with business leaders, you are invited to have a meaningful impact on the lives of our veterans.

“From the Extremity War Injuries event to advocating for defense research funding, AAOS has long been a proud supporter of our military and veteran communities,” stated AAOS Council on Advocacy Chair Wilford K. Gibson, MD. “Our partnership with ACP is a natural extension of these efforts and we look forward to providing returning veterans with career guidance and support so they can meet their professional goals and pursue a meaningful career.”

More than 1 million veterans are expected to transition from the armed forces to civilian life over the next five years. With the help of professionals like you, ACP’s mentoring program offers veterans, principally those who served in Iraq or Afghanistan, important tools for long-term career development and the chance to create a better post-service life.

ACP Mentors and Protégés are paired for one year based on a variety of considerations including age, location, educational background, and shared career interests. Each pair is encouraged to speak at least once a month to discuss topics like résumé and interview preparation, networking, and other professional development topics. Throughout the year, an ACP staff member will be checking in regularly to ensure satisfaction, provide resources, and track the progress of the relationship.

To sign up as an AAOS/ACP Mentor, please visit and use the AAOS access code AAOSACP when prompted. After you apply, an ACP staff member will be in touch with you regarding next steps.

For more information, please email Stacie Monroe at

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