Unity Review Group

Overall Purpose/Mission



1. Align all activities to support execution and achievement of the mission, vision, goals, strategic objectives and metrics of the Strategic Plan and conduct all business in accordance with the Core Values as adopted by the Board of Directors.

2. Recommend new unity initiatives to AAOS BOD and Councils to ensure that the goal of orthopaedic unity as articulated in the strategic plan is pursued.

3. Recommend sunset of unity initiatives that are ineffective or otherwise no longer appropriate.

4. Regularly review all ongoing AAOS activities that impact orthopaedic unity and identify barriers to achievement of goal of orthopaedic unity.

5. Field complaints from allied orthopaedic organizations and recommend solutions to those complaints that promote the concept of orthopaedic unity.

6. The group would meet annually at the Leadership Orientation Program and the Fall Meeting. An update report would be provided to the Board at the June and December Board meetings.


Reporting Relationship

Reports to the Board of Directors



First Vice-President

Board of Councilors Chair

Board of Specialty Societies Chair


Term of Office

One (1) year.


Staff Liaison (title)

Director, Department of Society Relations


Last updated:4/23/10
