Membership and Leader Development Committee

Overall Purpose/Mission

Oversee the AAOS Membership admissions process, make recommendations on membership issues to the Board of Directors, and oversee leadership development and mentoring of members.


  1. Align all activities to support execution and achievement of the mission, vision, goals, strategic objectives and metrics of the Strategic Plan and conduct all business in accordance with the Core Values as adopted by the Board of Directors.

  2. Act consistent with Paragraph 12.3 of the Association Bylaws.

  3. Review applications for Fellowship and Membership and make recommendations to the Board of Directors annually.

  4. Obtain and review feedback from the annual New Member Luncheon and provide input to make this a successful event for new members. Participate as a new member Ambassador at the annual luncheon.

  5. Make recommendations to the Association Board of Directors concerning membership policies and potential new membership categories.

  6. Assign one current Membership Committee member as liaison to the International Committee to participate and collaborate in those portions of meetings, teleconferences, and programs that pertain to international membership topics.

  7. Periodically review member benefits and member research and recommend changes to ensure that benefits remain relevant to the membership.

  8. Responsible for overseeing the Leadership Fellows Program.

  • Develop and monitor the selection process of new LFP Fellows/Mentors.

  • Regularly review and refine LFP curriculum, evaluate the effectiveness of, and graduate satisfaction with, the program.  Evaluation to include tracking the progress of the graduates within the AAOS volunteer structure.

  • Report the status of the LFP annually to the Board of Directors.

  1. Serve as a resource to meet the needs of the AAOS regarding leadership development and mentoring issues. This may include recommending new programs to address these needs.

  2. Oversee the application process and selection of the William W. Tipton, Jr., MD Leadership Award nominee.

  3. Oversees the activities of the Emerging Professionals Committee.

Reporting Relationship

Reports to the Association Board of Directors. 

Composition (Pending Bylaws Amendment approval)

Members to include at least two (2) past or present LFPs and one (1) Associate Member (Osteopathic or Orthopaedic).

Term of Office

Two (2) years; eligible for two (2) year reappointment.

Staff Liaison (title)

Senior Manager, Member & Customer Relations 

Last updated: 3/20/17
