Biomedical Engineering Committee

Overall Purpose/Mission

Monitor and review scientific regulatory developments on the field of biomedical engineering as they relate to orthopaedic surgery



1. Comply with the Strategic Plan as adopted by the Board of Directors, and ensure that the organization-wide goals of unity and diversity are considered in all activities.

2. Review and monitor scientific regulatory developments in the field of biomedical engineering as they relate to orthopaedic surgery; educate the Fellowship about these developments and their impact on the practice of orthopaedic surgery.

3. Interact with standards (American Society for the Testing of Materials, International Standards Organization) and regulatory bodies (Food and Drug Administration) to promote developments beneficial to orthopaedic surgery.


Reporting Relationship

Reports to the Council on Research and Quality




Six (6) Members

One (1) ORS Representative

Two (2) Consultants

One (1) ASTM/ISO Representative

One (1) Resident


Term of Office

For chair, two (2) years; eligible for one (1) additional two (2) year term.

For members, two (2) years; eligible for one (1) additional two (2) year term.


Staff Liaison (title)

Manager, Biomedical Research and Regulation


Last updated:3/15/10
