We will be performing site maintenance on AAOS.org on January 21st from 8 - 9 AM CST, which may cause sitewide downtime. We apologize for the inconvenience.

BOC/BOS Professionalism Committee

Committee Charges

  • Align all activities to support execution and achievement of the mission, vision, goals, strategic objectives and metrics of the Strategic Plan and conduct all business in accordance with the Core Values as adopted by the AAOS Board of Directors.
  • Meet annually and additionally as needed to address proposed new and revisions to existing Standards of Professionalism. Special meetings may be called at the discretion of the Committee Chair and the BOC and BOS Chairs.
  • Draft proposed new Standards of Professionalism.
  • Support BOC, BOS and AAOS' efforts to provide accessible education surrounding topics relevant to including but not limited to: physician wellness/ burnout prevention, unconscious bias training, bystander training, ethical expert witness testimony, and inclusive culture.
  • Provide assistance and feedback to BOC, BOS and AAOS in their efforts to decrease harassment, bullying and unprofessional behavior among its members.