BOC/BOS Research and Quality Committee

Committee Charges 

  • Align all activities to support execution and achievement of the mission, vision, goals, strategic objectives and metrics of the Strategic Plan and conduct all business in accordance with the Core Values as adopted by the AAOS Board of Directors.
  • Promote the value of orthopaedic research among the orthopaedic community.
  • Advocate for the resources and environments that support both orthopaedic research and the development of new orthopaedic clinician investigator.
  • Share concepts and strategies regarding successful research programs across BOS and BOC member organizations.
  • Work with the Office of Government Relations to create a strategy for advocacy to promote orthopaedic research.
  • Enhance, facilitate, and maintain communications between the Council on Research & Quality (CORQ) and its subcommittees and the BOC and BOS.
  • Participate in identifying future topics and advising on the potential impact of upcoming Clinical Practice Guidelines (CPGs), Appropriate Use Criteria (AUCs), and Performance Measures on members and their practices. Provide reports at each BOC and BOS meeting on committee activities, upcoming PGs, AUCs, and Performance Measures, and the status of Research Quality endeavors.
  • Advocate for research in the advancement of emerging technologies and off label use.
  • Develop a diverse collaborative research forum to foster research productivity, development, and collaborations between societies', interest groups, and generations.