We will be performing site maintenance on AAOS.org on January 21st from 8 - 9 AM CST, which may cause sitewide downtime. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Vice Chair

The Vice-Chair position reports to the Chair of the Social Media Ambassador Program for a one-year term and assumes the role of Chair at the conclusion of his or her term.


The Vice-Chair serves on the AAOS Social Media Ambassador Program and must:

  1. Be a thoughtful champion of AAOS’s efforts on social media, whose audience includes members, the public, patients and policymakers. Work closely with the Chair and AAOS Social Media Manager to implement campaigns and activities within the Academy’s social media strategy.
  2. Supports the Chair and Social Media Manager with program development, including call agendas and activities.
  3. Actively engage with major AAOS social media campaigns covering programs and events throughout the year.
  4. Share and retweet content from the AAOS social media channels.
  5. Participate in conference calls as needed throughout the year (7-9).

Who Can Apply

AAOS Fellows

Recruitment & Qualifications

The Vice-Chair is recruited by the Social Media Ambassador Program Chair and the Social Media Manager. The following qualifications should be considered upon applying for the position:

  • Experience in the AAOS Social Media Ambassador program preferred.
  • Knowledge and awareness of member needs from a marketing and communications perspective, specifically social media.
  • Demonstrated contributions in working with traditional media and/or social media influencers
  • Demonstrated communications skills and the ability to communicate clearly, timely and effectively by email, phone or text.
  • Forward-thinking
  • Collaborative
  • Innovative
  • Responsive
  • Interest in internal (membership-facing) and external (public and patient-facing) communication activities, reputation management, PR, social media and programs of the Academy.
  • Prior AAOS committee or council service experience


The Vice-Chair position reports to the Chair of the Social Media Ambassador Program for a one-year term and assumes the role of Chair at the conclusion of his or her term. The term of Chair is a two-year term.

Additional Information

  • Frequent contact with AAOS staff and volunteers involved in communications, media deadlines or rapid response type communication activities.
  • Contact with members to discuss communications issues as they arise.
  • Interaction with AAOS Council and Committee chairs as needed.

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