Michael J. Moses, MD


Michael J. Moses, MD
Hand and Upper Extremity Fellow
Cleveland Clinic Foundation
Cleveland, OH


How has the AAOS helped you throughout your career?
AAOS has been integral in shaping my career thus far. As a resident, I relied heavily on the ResStudy Questions and JAAOS® review articles to help provide me with a strong foundation in preparing for the OITE and passing ABOS Part I. I have also benefited from attending the AAOS Annual Meeting and being able to present my research as posters and podiums. The Annual Meeting is such a great way to learn about the latest research, while also networking with future colleagues. Additionally, I have been an AAOS Social Media Ambassador for the past few years, which allowed me to help shape orthopaedic surgery's role on social media and allowed me to expand and pursue other professional society memberships through ASSH and Pride Ortho.

As a Fellowship Member, which AAOS resources do you use most and why?
I enjoy reading the JAAOS® review articles and staying up to date with the latest research. Additionally, the Career Center has been helpful in applying for and networking for hand surgery positions following fellowship. I would definitely recommend residents and fellows to utilize the Career Center to help find a job!

What’s the best advice you were ever given? Who was it from?
When I was younger, I read the book Journey of a Thousand Miles by concert pianist Lang Lang. The title of the book and its theme is based on a Chinese proverb, "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." This resonated with me, in that our path in life may seem difficult or daunting, but we must overcome that initial activation energy and take the plunge of the first step to pursue our dreams.

What’s your go-to productivity trick?
I really enjoy making to-do lists and using my Google Calendar to stay up to date with fellowship, personal, and professional commitments. I find that color coding my tasks is extremely helpful in keeping everything in order. When I need to finish a presentation or research paper, I will use my Pomodoro timer!

What’s one thing you’re currently trying to make a habit?
I've been expanding my cooking palette and have focused on making meal prep a habit. It saves a ton of time and allows me to eat whole, quality foods even while busy on level I replant call!

What hobbies do you enjoy in your spare time?
I think work life balance is very important and helps us take better care of ourselves and our patients. I enjoy exercising, spending time with friends, attending classical music performances, and hiking with my dog Autumn (she's a border collie-lab mix)!

Tell us a fun fact about yourself that not many people know?
I am a classically trained pianist and opera singer! I studied music composition in college and composed a symphony as my senior thesis. I have since transitioned to mostly performance and I am currently a member of the world-renowned Cleveland Orchestra Chorus, where I sing Bass II.