Overall Purpose/Mission
The AAOS PROMs workgroup influences all aspects of AAOS activities to incentivize the active clinical use of patient-reported outcomes measures (PROMs) at the point of musculoskeletal care. It will provide the fellowship with user-friendly resources to increase the awareness/understanding of the benefits of PROMs utilization at the point of care, provide solutions to increase/ease access to technological solutions and advocate for enhanced legislative and payer support of PROMs utilization on behalf of the fellowship and their patients. Solutions developed by this group should consider PROMs utilization in areas where there are health disparities (e.g., underserved, or underrepresented populations).
- Refine and execute a roadmap of AAOS activities and offerings aimed at increasing theutilization of PROMs at the point of musculoskeletal healthcare. Solutions will be aligned withthe AAOS Strategic Plan and will leverage the core competencies of the AAOS (i.e., Education,Research and Quality, Advocacy, Registries)
- Monitor and shape regulatory, industrial, and payer policy relevant to the utilization of PROMsin musculoskeletal healthcare, including the development and implementation of a clear andconcise AAOS Position Statement and partnering with payers to effectively promote PROMsusage to reduce pre-authorization burden.
- Enhance awareness of available and newly created PROMs resources and best practices ineffectively utilizing PROMs at the point of care via user guides, webinars, publications, podcasts,SME panels, and social media.
- Define requirements for AAOS-endorsement of technology solutions, along with benefits to selected vendors and interested AAOS members. Develop a request for proposal (RFP) to submit to PROMs vendors.
- Collaborate with relevant AAOS governance bodies (e.g., Board of Specialty Societies, Board of Councilors, and Diversity Advisory Board), when/where applicable.
The PROMs Workgroup is approved to execute on its charges through 2024. Term extension of the Workgroup, and/or novel development of/transition to a responsible AAOS governance body (e.g., Research and Quality Council), will be reassessed by the AAOS Board of Directors in 2024. Any solutions developed by this Workgroup will be maintained by the responsible AAOS business area(s) (e.g., Education, Research and Quality, Advocacy, Registries) as defined by the Workgroup, throughout and beyond 2024.
Reporting Relationship
Reports to the Research and Quality Council (RQC), with quarterly updates to the Board of Directors.
For a list of workgroup members and AAOS staff team members or to get involved, email proms@aaos.org.

Why Now?
Patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs) are utilized to improve and assess the quality of care provided by orthopaedic surgeons to their patients. AAOS recognizes the significance of patient-reported outcomes (PROs) in treatment plans and value analyses. In the coming years, PROMs will play a more prominent role in assessing performance and determining the effectiveness of orthopaedic treatments in part because of a growing emphasis on patient-centered care and value-based payment approaches.
AAOS PROMs in Practice Member Survey
With reimbursement increasingly tied to outcomes under value-based healthcare, PROs are becoming more integrated into clinical practice and policy. To analyze the use and application of PROMs among orthopaedic surgeons, the AAOS conducted a survey of its members asking them to characterize their PROM usage. The results found: