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AAOS Guidelines for Joint Providership

The American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons provides opportunities for orthopaedic specialty, regional, and state societies and other orthopaedic education providers to engage in a joint providership of its educational activities. In offering this joint providership opportunity, the Academy’s goal is to ensure that educational programs designed for orthopaedic surgeons meet the criteria of the accreditation requirements of the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education. As a result, orthopaedic surgeons and other healthcare professionals will be able to participate in the highest quality educational activities and receive AMA PRA Category 1 CME credit for participation.

Application Process

  1. The non-accredited sponsor (NAS) submits an Initial Request to AAOS CME Administration at jointprovidership@aaos.org. The request for joint providership is made before the society begins to plan the CME program.
  2. Within 5-7 business days, AAOS will forward the CME Joint Providership Agreement to the NAS for signature. Once the signed joint providership agreement has been returned, the agreement will be countersigned by AAOS and the NAS will receive a copy of the fully executed agreement along with instructions to proceed with completing the CME Activity Planning Form
  3. A joint providership fee will be charged according to the following fee structure:
    • $2,000 Joint Providership Administration Fee + $200 for every hour of approved CME
    • Example – the cost for a program that is approved for 12.0 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits would be: $2,000 + ($200 x 12.0 Hours = $2,400) for a total of $4,400
    • Any program that is more than 24.0 CME hours must be independently reviewed and pricing may differ from the above structure.
  4. The fee covers the administrative costs the Academy incurs for the management of the joint providership program.
  5. The NAS is responsible for confirming or obtaining current financial disclosure information from the Planning Committee & Staff involved in the education planning process using the AAOS Disclosure Database before submission of the project planning form. Planning Committee/staff disclosure information must be current within the 24 months preceding the start of the CME activity.
  6. The CME Activity Planning Form and supporting documentation is then reviewed, including course objectives, program, and proposed faculty for the educational activity, and disclosures of planning committee members that are provided by NAS; if changes are required, the NAS will be contacted by AAOS with further instructions; if no changes are required, the program is approved for joint providership and AAOS notifies the NAS.
  7. Once the activity has been approved, the NAS is responsible for confirming or obtaining current financial disclosure information for the faculty, presenters, authors, and co-authors using the AAOS Disclosure Database. Faculty disclosure information must be current within the 24 months preceding the start of the CME activity.
  8. The NAS informs AAOS of any commercial support to ensure that a CME Letter of Agreement is initiated. CME Letters of Agreement must be signed by the company and AAOS before the activity begins.
  9. Once the program has been approved, the NAS may publicize that it is approved for AMA PRA Category 1 credit™ with the appropriate CME statement provided by the AAOS.
  10. The preliminary program, program evaluation, final program, and available presentations must be submitted to AAOS for review and approval.
  11. At the conclusion of the program, the NAS submits its executive summary of the evaluation of the educational activity to AAOS, including a report of its intent to plan future programs in light of what is learned in the evaluation process. Registration records for the event must be submitted to AAOS. These items must be submitted within 45 days after the conclusion of the activity.

Terms and Conditions

  • Joint providership of one program with a NAS does not imply any likelihood of joint providership of any future programs. Each program must be individually reviewed by the AAOS.
  • NAS must sign the joint providership agreement and agree to follow all AAOS policies and ACCME accreditation requirements.

AAOS Joint Providership Proposed Timeline Checklist

Initial Request
4-6 months before program begins

Agreement Form
4-6 months before program begins

CME Project Planning Form of Live Activities
At least 3 months before program begins

Preliminary program sent to AAOS for review and approval
Allow at least 5-7 days for review

Program evaluation sent to AAOS for review and approval 
Allow at least 5-7 days for review

Final program including any available slide presentations sent to AAOS for review and approval
Allow 7-10 days for review

Post-activity: Total attendance number with MD and non-MD noted
Submit within 45 days after the program

Post-activity: Summary of evaluations
Submit within 45 days after the program

For any questions, please email us at jointprovidership@aaos.org

Rev 08.22.23