Published in June 2021
Beginning in June 2021, AAOS Registry Program participants will start receiving RegistryInsights® emails to confirm the processing status of submitted files. These emails will be sent to Authorized Users from participating sites, Data Submission Users from participating sites, and Data Submission Users from Authorized Vendors.
Users will receive an alert within 48 hours after file submission, and if multiple files are submitted in a day, information on all files will be included in one email. The emails will include information such as the number of rows which were successfully processed, flagged for review, and rejected. This will alert you when fields in your data do not align with our data specifications and when files are not processed due to a missing or invalid required field.
If your cases are flagged or rejected, please follow these steps:
- Login to to view your latest file upload for further detail
- Compare your flagged or rejected cases to the data specification to identify corrections that are needed
- Resubmit corrected cases for successful processing
Click here to learn more. These emails will come from, so please check your spam filter. They are intended to be helpful but feel free to delete them if you do not need the information.
If you have any questions, please contact the AAOS Registry Support team at